About Gavriel Shaw

My Life Manifesto

September 19, 2024:

I was a highly skeptical person living a fairly average life. 

I was also skeptical of the online business and productivity gurus. 

I read the books, took the courses. 

I had given up my early online success selling productivity courses. I wanted more. I felt compelled to dig deeper than anyone had gone before. 

I began a multi-decade self-study program, combining ancient history, our 3000 years of inherited literature, and current innovations in tech, business, communication, and science. 

I wanted to find a new way of thinking, feeling and being. 

For whatever reason, I was obsessed about the future.

A future that never became present. 

I was trapped waiting, or projecting, dreaming, wishing, searching for a better way, a more meaningful experience. Never satisfied with now. Always feeling a sense of urgency and impatience. 

In the early days I did ‘affiliate marketing’ (promoting other companies products in exchange of commission) and received checks of hundreds of dollars and didn’t cash them. Looking back that seems silly. If you earn and receive money, cash it in. 

But I did that because I felt an aversion to premature success. I didn’t want to get trapped by small success before I was well rounded and better grounded in purpose, experience and skill. 

I wanted Supremacy. 

Without Supremacy, what’s the point? 

The Quest

I knew that rapidly advancing technology was right around the corner for humanity. 

I knew that beyond politicians there is The BOB (the bubble of bullshit) that surrounds society. 

I knew that I was irrational, lazy, ignorant in many ways. 

I wanted to better control my thinking, my daily experience, my feelings. I wanted control. 

The Results

I’ve had my ups and downs. After 20 years of research I finally pieced together a complete picture. 

One key and very modern component of that full picture is what I call Atomic Cognition. 

This blends together the modern architectures of AI, with positive psychology, NLP, general semantics, systems thinking, and more. 

The Road Ahead

Our enemies includes Shortcut Salesmen, Productivity Pirates, Power Brokers, but most of all, our own Inner Slacker.

Our mission includes Emulation of the good in all people.

Our purpose is Supremacy.

Our reward is infinite productive bliss. 

This is not suitable for those who think success comes easy if you just have a magic secret taught by the gurus. 

No. My path, my offer to you, is deeply challenging.

Discipline. Focus. & Effort. 

If you prefer to watch bald men with hairy chests drive obscenely green Lambos and talk trash while riding high on testosterone — good luck to ya. 

I’m hear for the diligent ones. The intelligent ones. The earnest ones. The ones who take life seriously today in order to achieve long-term levity with blissful alignment of soul-level purpose tomorrow.

But let’s not push it far off into the future. Let’s draw it in for today. 

For those who recognize a new approach to Cognition is necessary in order to survive and thrive this decade and beyond. 

Beyond the moral bankruptcy of the irrationally-minded status quo, and beyond the financial bankruptcy of the cold-hearted Establishment, and beyond the no-hearted acceleration of artificial intelligence. 

The sky is falling. And you are your own savior. 

Atomic Cognition is, to surface appearances, a god-less cognition. Yet it embodies godly powers. A government-less cognition. Yet it establishes rightful governance. A wishful-thinking-less cognition. Yet if fulfils your wildest dreams. 

Because only once we remove the airy-fairy gain-something-for-nothing attitudes of our immaturity do we develop Atomic Cognition and win. 

My Early Years

Published 2023:

Reaching Center

At age 15, full of teenage angst plus an over-sized portion of existential frustration, I sank into a day of depression. It turned into a meditation lasting many hours, in which I found my inner guidance compass of confident integrity and passionate purpose.

Finding True North 

At age 16 I read an obscure philosophy (The 114 Neo-Tech Advantages by Dr. Frank R Wallace) which put words to my deep emotional convictions. 

Described in my own words: 

Mankind is not meant to die. 

We are designed and destined to live in joyful productive bliss with shared romance, every single day. 

We achieve all that by eliminating the negatives of coercion and irrationality to achieve cognitive control and sovereign freedom. 

Inmortalidad. Romance. Libertad. 

Flying High

A los 18 años experimenté dos semanas seguidas de un subidón natural en las que me sentí tan alineada conmigo misma y tan en armonía con mi entorno que la vida se sintió maravillosa. 

I came to call it Productive Bliss — and I’ve sought to create and sustain the conditions for productive bliss throughout the rest of my life to date. 

Ultimately that state depends on being able to choose your life experience without compromise. 

And that depends on profound intellectual honesty, and a lot of trial and error, struggle and strain, experimentation and development. 

Learning Balance

I used to think it involved stoic discipline and rugged individualism but in all honesty I realize that perspective was a coping mechanism. 

Yes, we must march to our own drummer — but that doesn’t mean we have to go it alone. 

Yes we need all sorts of disciplines — but to be ‘stoic’ is to be separated from the source of our joys and in conflict with authentic bliss. 

And yet…

“Coercion presses corruption on the brow of consciousness” said the author of that secret code that I found at 16. 

Es decir, la presión social, la amenaza de la fuerza política, la carencia y limitación que tenemos por los errores que nos atan o las oportunidades que se nos escapan por el peso de las responsabilidades provocadas por un sistema global fallido. 

Somehow life doesn’t feel ‘fair’ and yet we must perform the magic trick of simultaneously accepting 100% responsibility for our destiny. 

To access bliss we must not succumb to the negatives of this upside down civilization. 

I feel ready to finally begin publishing my work again after a 15-year hiatus of study. 

My Turtle Race — Catching Up, Moving Ahead

Estoy muy atrasado en la visión de mi vida personal, pero estoy progresando en formas que sé que se alinean con mis valores y ambiciones. 

So I press on, just as I’m sure you do too. 

Únase a mí en esta aventura para obtener la máxima vitalidad, el máximo apalancamiento para crear valor positivo para uno mismo, sus seres queridos y todos. 

Mankind is transitioning. This decade of 2020 to 2030 will see paradigm shifts in technology, geopolitics and finance that will test our resolve. 

Si el statu quo es tan detestable para ti como lo es para mí, podríamos ser amigos. 

Busco el éxito en un mundo que parece a la vez tan extrañamente enfermo por un lado y tan majestuosamente hermoso por el otro. 

Como dice una de mis citas favoritas: 

“I wake each morning torn between a desire to save the world and a desire to savor it. This makes it hard to plan the day” 

EB Blanco

The more aware we become… the more crazy the world can seem. Awareness of evil can test our sanity — yet we achieve success by focusing on positivity. 

Elegir de qué lado nos inclinamos (conciencia pesimista versus positividad optimista) hará o romperá el futuro. 

También necesitamos un nuevo cambio cultural que identifique y rechace por completo la corrupción en todos los rincones de la sociedad (política como siempre, fraude corporativo, impuestos sin representación, lavado verde y más), en lugar de tolerarla haciendo la vista gorda. 

Hence this is just as much a call to arms, as an intro to who I am. 

My Life Experiences 

Published 2022:

NIñez temprana

Not the best. A broken home. Dysfunctional family. Yet I remember the zest for life felt as a young boy. My early childhood inspired me to pursue holistic health. My dad (a naturopath) had a cartoon poster of Superman holding 2 plates of food. One with junk food. One with healthy food. This instilled in me the concept of rightful choice.


School sucked. Lessons were boring. I learned more reading books at home than I did attending school. I read books from my parents shelves on all sorts. Philosophy, spirituality, counseling, religion, and more. 

Adultez temprana

Successful job moves led to higher pay than my peers. Disgust developed for the corruption of politicians. 

I published a series of personal productivity courses. 

I read ancient human history looking for clues to mans current psychological distress and a torch that could illuminate a path to mans potential brighter future. 


Starting in 2006 at the age of 25 I began 14 months of travel in South East Asia. 

I have now travelled through over 50 countries across some 15 years. 

Observing and absorbing the worlds cultures from big cities to tiny villages. 


Starting in digital marketing at the earliest phase of the Internet, leading to a professional career in companies and agencies mixing product management and marketing. 

Always seeking a career that could provide the leverage for living true to my values and support my interests of productive bliss and systems design. 

Eventually, web3 and decentralized governance emerged as a key focus. 

Estilo de vida

I have seen more through my travels than most see in a lifetime. 

At the time of writing in 2023 I am living on 45 hectares of jungle property I just bought, wondering what on earth to do with my time during this current decade of geopolitical mayhem… 


Immortality. Levity. Contribution. 

Protection, Pleasure & Profit

I’m often questioned on how I can work in marketing for ‘the corporation’ of consumerism which apparently is devoid of humanity…


Understand that business means ‘value exchange’, and there’s nothing wrong with that. In fact, it’s what a moral society is based on.


Yes of course today’s world is in a shambles: political power, unnecessary poverty and neurotic psychology.


Business is the solution…

I spend my days plotting and scheming to influence the rise of a new world based on the 4 P’s of productivity, protection, pleasure and profit.

Un mundo mejor construido a través de la creación de valor empresarial, la innovación en marketing y la responsabilidad social más allá de la agenda política.

My own ‘art and creativity’ is a ‘systems focused approach to business growth through user-centred service design’.

A new world is coming. 

A world of health, wealth and freedom. 

A world built on the foundations of futuristic blissful emotions and an artful control of cognition. 

Perhaps you have noticed the Maze Trap?

Published: July 2012

Perhaps you have noticed?

The maze-trap that binds everyone around you…

You, too, are walking through that maze — looking for the exit just like all the others.


You are more curious, more open… Looking at the walls that form the maze you wonder if there is no official exit at all…


You need to break from the norm.

Perhaps the exit is over that wall?

Of course: some people are too busy rushing around looking for the official exit…

…that they never even stop long enough to consider climbing the wall as a possible escape route.

Incredibly, others don’t even notice the wall that confines them to the maze — they just keep on running through.

Otros miran hacia arriba y ven la pared, pero deciden no escalarla:

Perhaps out of being ‘politically correct’, or ‘respectful’ to the designers of the maze (not wanting to rock the boat), * or perhaps it’s the short burst of intense effort necessary to scale the wall (and life is tough enough already as it is, rushing about the maze and all…)

Or perhaps because they don’t want to get their clothes in a mess or be embarrassed, just in case they don’t make it over the wall and others see their failure…

In fact:

They rarely stop to consider their situation at all… not taking the time or trusting themself enough to put the puzzle of success together… To organize their different experiences into a map of understanding and personal strategy.

So they look back down away from the wall, sigh deeply, resign to the quiet desperation of ‘looking for the exit’, and start running again, faster, and faster, thinking that speed or struggle will give them success.

They bump into others, asking for the answer. Constriction, exhaustion, almost a strangulation, diminishing their energy.

They begin to walk, recovering their breath, feeling more at ease and, becoming more aware, strolling along, sometimes even with a smile, sometimes reflecting on the absurdity of the others running around who are also looking for the exit out of this trap.

But some accept there to be no escape, no exit, and they become cynical and negative of the people who are still running…

They say:

‘Slow down or you might fall and get hurt. Why rush? We all end up the same way anyway. Nothing has lasting importance. Just live for the moment. Why be concerned? Why try? Just stick to what you know”.

Some then resign so much that they sit down on one of the semi-comfortable benches.

They somehow fool themselves into thinking they are on top of things, but their gaze is hazy… the fire in their eyes is dimmed… they have lost their way not just in the external maze, but inside their mind and spirit as well.

They group together in small packs of ‘friends’ to pass the time.

Whilst you watch them, your inner voice breaks the silence:

'You may delay, but time will not’.

In that instance you arrive into an opening with a bench and you stop, aware of a strange new feeling that washes over you – making you at once aware of Two Worlds.

A flash of color and a distant sound catches your attention. As you catch your breath somehow things are different, in you now. You are different. Your mind has re-organized. You see how things connect.

* Business, creativity, achievement, power, romance, prosperity, life, happiness, success. * Politicians, taxes, government, strangulation, stagnation, boredom, failure, death.

You sit down besides another person sitting on the bench, and you can feel the person begin to frown as you turn to the person very slowly and frown in the same way too, as they also turn in the same way to you.

La sensación es inquietante cuando te das cuenta de que esta persona es parte de ti mismo, la proyección de tu autoimagen negativa. Un escalofrío lento y ondulante sube incontrolablemente por la columna desde la base de la espalda hacia la cabeza y te baña. Un cosquilleo fingido en las manos.

In the next moment your mental re-organization is complete.

That ‘other’ person is no longer of consideration and you understand the distracting pattern of the maze.

You look upwards, skywards. You feel lighter, breath in deeply now.

And your mind has a completely new way of thinking.

With this new mental technology that some call Neothink, you see the world with complete honest clarity.

You see the wall that you had been running alongside, but now you look above it.

You stand. You draw in another deep breath filled with power. Your eyes draw thin by your minds new focussed commitment. You feel a renewed vigor, passion, and self-assurance.

Vas a descubrir cómo superar ese muro, ese obstáculo, ese maldito obstáculo, y vas a empezar ahora.

Standing tall, to the bright sunny skies you express…

“I will do it, because I have chosen so”.

My Works

  • Singularity Consciousness, expected 2027
  • Bliss Bound, expected 2026
  • Atomic Cognition, expected Q1 2025
  • The Cyclic Planner — for team coordination, 2024
  • The Levity Journal — for whole life management, 2024
  • The Atomic Planner — for progressing your biggest ambitions, 2024
  • Productive Bliss, 2022
  • The Cyclic Growth Framework, 2020
  • The Intimacy Code, 2015 
  • 7 Meetings for High-Performance Team Management, 2011
  • The Flower of Being — a system of selfhood 2003
  • HAEYO! (honor and edit your outlook), 2000
  • Life Direction Clarifier, 2000
  • InstaTime Natural Time Management, 2009
  • The 7 Steps of Organizing, 2008
  • A Life of Magic, 2004
  • The Missing Principles Handbook — mind-controllers for integrity and success
  • sobreviviente de la tierra — short fiction, 1998
  • Folderarchy — organize your life using your computer, 1997

Self-Biographical Highlights

2080 (age 100)

  • Will perform Frank R Wallace’s Symphony of the Universe at the self-earned ripe-young age of 100. 

2025 (age 45)

  • Publication of the book Atomic Cognition


  • Launch of personal branded public media (finally)
  • Joined Immortalis as a founding citizen
  • Published a set of 3 planners: Atomic Planner, Levity Journal and Cyclic Planner. 

2021 – 2023

  • Moved to Mexico, bought land, began the Camazotz Cohaven Longevity project.
  • Work with DAO’s (decentralized autonomous organizations) in the web3 industry (related to blockchain). 
  • Discovered the essence of Atomic Cognition. 

2017 — 2023

  • Travel, corporate career, consulting, including Head of Marketing for a crypto debit card provider, and running a marketing agency with 14 staff. 
  • Not so much writing… but a lot of reading. 

2015 (age 35)

  • Travel in Europe and Asia while writing The Intimacy Code 


  • eCommerce Director at a Direct Marketing Agency in Canada
  • Health, Beauty and Anti-Aging eCommerce business takeover 


  • Diseño de Servicios a través de Marketing Digital con Sabio (soluciones de contact center de atención al cliente)


  • Running Life Direction and Productivity workshops in Canada and London. 

2010 (age 30)

  • Inicio del viaje de 20 meses: 14 meses en América del Sur y Central, luego 6 meses en Canadá
  • Research and publication: Invisible Team Performance
  • Research and publication: Marketing Project Management
  • Designed a business system for management: 7 Meetings for Invisible Team Management
  • Affiliate marketing: achieving Top 7th position in a large product launch.
  • Freelance copywriter (highlights include TOC consultants and memory supplement product launch)


  • Jefe de marketing del proveedor de servicios de correo electrónico DbGi
  • Diploma de Posgrado en Mercadotecnia CIM
  • Trained in Emotional Freedom Therapy at Regents College London
  • Publication: ‘Exposing the link between your marketing success and your copywriter selection process’


  • Initiated the marketing department for Digital Look (financial services) 
  • Creador del programa 7 Pasos para Organizar


  • Creador del programa Life Direction Clarifier
  • At Fuel-It Marketing: SEO Manager (achieving position 3 in Google for the keyword ‘Loan’) and Copywriter (beating the agencies top client email campaigns by 510%)
  • Publication: Maximum Team Performance


  • Autor del Manual de los Principios Perdidos del Control Mental
  • 14 meses de viaje en el sudeste asiático
  • Comercializadora y redactora freelance
  • Autor del Informe sobre implantes de Neothink (para lectores de Neothink)
  • Creador del sistema de gestión del tiempo natural InstaTime

2005 (age 25)

  • Desarrollador senior de presentaciones en ING Barings, Xerox, Vodafone


  • Autor de Una vida de magia

2000 (age 20)

  • Operador de autoedición en Merrill Lynch


  • First office job: Admin for money broker Prebon Marshall Yamane in the City of London 
  • Marketing de sitios web autónomos


  • Author of Folderarchy – organize your life using your computer
  • Freelance website marketing, SEO and email copywriting, start of split testing. 


  • Marketing de tablones de anuncios en AOL


  • ¡Poder neotecnológico adquirido!


  • Learned mind-mapping from my dad and Tony Buzan


  • Born in the British countryside

Sobre el Autor

Gavriel Shaw — Biohacker Since Birth — seeks the Philosophers Stone, Christ's Cup, The Biblical Tree of Life, the Elixir of Immortality.
